928 research outputs found

    Fast dynamic deployment adaptation for mobile devices

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    Mobile devices that are limited in terms of CPU power, memory or battery power are only capable of executing simple applications. To be able to run advanced applications we introduce a framework to split up the application and execute parts on a remote server. In order to dynamically adapt the deployment at runtime, techniques are presented to keep the migration time as low as possible and to prevent performance loss while migrating. Also methods are presented and evaluated to cope with applications generating a variable load, which can lead to an unstable system

    Enhancement of shock-capturing methods via machine learning

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    In recent years, machine learning has been used to create data-driven solutions to problems for which an algorithmic solution is intractable, as well as fine-tuning existing algorithms. This research applies machine learning to the development of an improved finite-volume method for simulating PDEs with discontinuous solutions. Shock-capturing methods make use of nonlinear switching functions that are not guaranteed to be optimal. Because data can be used to learn nonlinear relationships, we train a neural network to improve the results of a fifth-order WENO method. We post-process the outputs of the neural network to guarantee that the method is consistent. The training data consist of the exact mapping between cell averages and interpolated values for a set of integrable functions that represent waveforms we would expect to see while simulating a PDE. We demonstrate our method on linear advection of a discontinuous function, the inviscid Burgers’ equation, and the 1-D Euler equations. For the latter, we examine the Shu–Osher model problem for turbulence–shock wave interactions. We find that our method outperforms WENO in simulations where the numerical solution becomes overly diffused due to numerical viscosity

    Enhancement of shock-capturing methods via machine learning

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    In recent years, machine learning has been used to create data-driven solutions to problems for which an algorithmic solution is intractable, as well as fine-tuning existing algorithms. This research applies machine learning to the development of an improved finite-volume method for simulating PDEs with discontinuous solutions. Shock-capturing methods make use of nonlinear switching functions that are not guaranteed to be optimal. Because data can be used to learn nonlinear relationships, we train a neural network to improve the results of a fifth-order WENO method. We post-process the outputs of the neural network to guarantee that the method is consistent. The training data consist of the exact mapping between cell averages and interpolated values for a set of integrable functions that represent waveforms we would expect to see while simulating a PDE. We demonstrate our method on linear advection of a discontinuous function, the inviscid Burgers’ equation, and the 1-D Euler equations. For the latter, we examine the Shu–Osher model problem for turbulence–shock wave interactions. We find that our method outperforms WENO in simulations where the numerical solution becomes overly diffused due to numerical viscosity

    Is Cooperative Memory Special? The Role of Costly Errors, Context, and Social Network Size When Remembering Cooperative Actions

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    Theoretical studies of cooperative behavior have focused on decision strategies, such as tit-for-tat, that depend on remembering a partner’s last choices. Yet, an empirical study by Stevens et al. (2011) demonstrated that human memory may not meet the requirements that needed to use these strategies. When asked to recall the previous behavior of simulated partners in a cooperative memory task, participants performed poorly, making errors in 10–24% of the trials. However, we do not know the extent to which this task taps specialized cognition for cooperation. It may be possible to engage participants in more cooperative, strategic thinking, which may improve memory. On the other hand, compared with other situations, a cooperative context may already engage improved memory via cheater detection mechanisms. This study investigated the specificity of memory in cooperative contexts by varying (1) the costs of errors in memory by making forgetting defection more costly and (2) whether the recall situation is framed as a cooperative or neutral context. Also, we investigated whether variation in participants’ social network size could account for individual differences observed in memory accuracy. We found that neither including differential costs for misremembering defection nor removing the cooperative context influenced memory accuracy for cooperation. Combined, these results suggest that memory accuracy is robust to differences in the cooperative context: Adding more strategic components does not help accuracy, and removing cooperative components does not hurt accuracy. Social network size, however, did correlate with memory accuracy: People with larger networks remembered the events better. These findings suggest that cooperative memory does not seem to be special compared with other forms of memory, which aligns with previous work demonstrating the domain generality of memory. However, the demands of interacting in a large social network may require excellent memory. Thus, modeling the evolution of cooperation requires an understanding of both the social environment in which agents interact and the cognitive capabilities of these agents

    Graph partitioning algorithms for optimizing software deployment in mobile cloud computing

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    As cloud computing is gaining popularity, an important question is how to optimally deploy software applications on the offered infrastructure in the cloud. Especially in the context of mobile computing where software components could be offloaded from the mobile device to the cloud, it is important to optimize the deployment, by minimizing the network usage. Therefore we have designed and evaluated graph partitioning algorithms that allocate software components to machines in the cloud while minimizing the required bandwidth. Contrary to the traditional graph partitioning problem our algorithms are not restricted to balanced partitions and take into account infrastructure heterogenity. To benchmark our algorithms we evaluated their performance and found they produce 10 to 40 % smaller graph cut sizes than METIS 4.0 for typical mobile computing scenarios
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